Powering Precision in Waste Management with Clearsight AI. See the Real Picture, Make Real Impact


Meet the creators and directors behind Clearsight AI. We’re a passionate team with a fresh and unique approach to waste collection analytics. Our product, Clearsight AI, reflects our shared vision of empowering waste managers and decision-makers with unparalleled information on waste collections, all without the need for expensive hardware systems. As founders, we are driven by a commitment to make a positive impact on the waste management industry, and our dedication to this cause is what fuels the innovation and creativity at Clearsight AI.

Nick Fellows

Nick is a chartered Waste Manager with 15 years’ experience in providing consultancy support to waste management companies and Local Authorities.

Stephen Hayes

Stephen has worked across the waste and energy sectors developing award winning solutions for both private and public sector clients.

Waste Management Team at

“ClearsightAI have been working with Blackburn with Darwen for the last two years. Now they have completed its been revolutionary for our round design and recycling insights!”